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Posts posted by Camus

  1. 7 minutes ago, Camus said:


    Да вчера моему коллеге несколько раз звонили.


    Мой коллега купил новый радар детектор, не понравился и решил продать его и выложил на продажу в интернете. Вчера сначала несколько раз ему звонили, спрашивали сколько штук сможете продать, сколько у вас есть и где находитесь, приедем заберем.

    Потом ему позвонил какой то капитан и пригласил прийти в отдел бандитизма. Коллега попросил прислать повестку, чтобы отпроситься с работы, сказали, что пришлют.


    • Upvote 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Alik36 said:

    Уважаемые Форумчане !!! У меня  предложение такое  ко всем ..если подержите напишем , не подержите нет ..решайте Вы ... давайте кто умеет нормально, по форме писать напишем,  и подпишем  открытое письмо Президенту Республики Азербайджан с просьбой . Суть просьбы такова - объявить набор по собственному желанию добровольно (könüllü) с 35 лет до 50 лет , тех кто прошёл армию, граждан Азербайджана для освобождения наших земель от армяно-фашисткого гнёта и пройдя например курс чтобы вспомнили оружие пойти на позиции и освободить наши земли . Почему от  35 лет ?? пусть молодые останутся и растят детей ...а после 35 такой возраст что есть и семья и дети .. вот как то так ...можете добавить или исправить моё предложение .. решайте .. лично я -за ... если решите написать письмо то я первый подпишусь ...для любителей язвить отвечу сразу мне больше 35 и я попадаю под доброволец.. и готов первый пойти...пора наши земли освободить от армянских  мразей..  


    вы что действительно такой наивный и ничего не знаете???

    земли продали и уже на протяжении многих лет выкачивают из них золото. там много золото и несколько заводов разных стран. плюс ко всему курортные красивые нетронуты места.

    пока все золото не высосут до конца, земли не отдадут и воевать не позволят.

    • Upvote 1
  3. On 8 Сентябрь 2016 г. at 0:39 PM, xoxan709 said:

    Вопрос такой, чем ваши навигаторы отличаются от соседней темы , если параметры и карты идентичны, а разница в цене на 25 азн?


    приобрел я однажды навигатор в как вы ее назвали соседней теме.

    тоже повелся на низкие цены.

    ох и намучался я потом с этим навигатором.

    программа и карты левые какие то были установлены и о камерах и радарах оповещал неправильно.

    пару раз возил навигатор потом продавцу на переустановку программы потому что что то там слетало постоянно и навигатор глючил.

    на третий раз махнул  я рукой уже и обратился за помощью к Алексу.

    за определенную плату он мне переустановил программу, карты и радары.

    все до сих пор работает как надо, я доволен, за что ему еще раз спасибо.

    всем советую приобретать тут.

    • Upvote 2
  4. On 6 Апрель 2016 г. at 7:41 PM, Georgiy.Metreveli said:

     дай Бог если будет открыт завод поеду за пивом


    Подскажите, пожалуйста, где находится этот завод после въезда в Сальяны? 

    И какую минимальную партию можно на заводе приобрести?

    • Upvote 1
  5. Регистратор Е766+GPS  на процессоре Аmbarella А7

    Стоимость 100 ман. Гарантия на регистраторы 1 год



    Здравствуйте. Вопрос о тех. данных регистратора E766 . Какой у него процессор а7ла30 или а7ла50? И какое максимальное разрешение Full HD 1080 или Super Full HD 1296?

    И если не трудно, выложите свежее ночное видео когда авто в движении.


  6. Human Rights in Africa

    25 May 2009 - 29 May 2009

    The course focuses on regional human rights norms and its application in Africa.

    The course covers issues such as:

    * A general introduction to human rights law and the role players in the development and enforcement of human rights norms in Africa

    * The United Nations system

    * Human rights treaties and their status in Africa

    * European human rights systems

    * Inter-American human rights systems

    * The African Union and human rights

    * The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights as well as the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights

    * Protection of refugees

    Level: professional , post-graduate

    Location: Pretoria (South Africa)

    Participants: middle and senior level governmental and intergovernmental officials, managers of NGO's, academics and post-graduate students

    Tuition, fee, lodging: Tuition: R3000.00 (ZAR) (excludes accommdation). A limited number of scholarships are available.

    Contact Information:

    Programme Co-ordinator

    Good Governance Programme

    Centre for Human Rights

    Faculty of Law

    University of Pretoria

    Pretoria 0002

    Republic of South Africa

    Tel: +27 12 420 4525

    Fax: +27 12 362 5125

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Web: http://www.ggp.up.ac.za

  7. Socio-Economic Rights

    9 March 2009 - 13 March 2009

    Focus in this course is on the role of socio-economic rights in modern democratic states and the enforcement thereof.

    Issues that are covered include the following:

    * Introduction to socio-economic rights

    * The recognition of socio-economic rights at global, regional and national levels

    * The scope and contents of specific rights

    * State reporting obligations on socio-economic rights under international human rights law

    * The role of the South African Human Rights Commission in monitoring the implementation of socio-economic rights

    * The role of budgeting in realising socio-economic rights

    * Litigating socio-economic rights

    Level: professional , post-graduate

    Location: Pretoria (South Africa)

    Participants: middle and senior level governmental and intergovernmental officials, managers of NGO's, academics and post-graduate students

    Tuition, fee, lodging: Tuition: R3000.00 (ZAR) (excludes accommdation). A limited number of scholarships are available.

    Contact Information:

    Programme Co-ordinator

    Good Governance Programme

    Centre for Human Rights

    Faculty of Law

    University of Pretoria

    Pretoria 0002

    Republic of South Africa

    Tel: +27 12 420 4525

    Fax: +27 12 362 5125

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Web: http://www.ggp.up.ac.za


    Summer School

    The European System of Human Rights Protection


    This Summer Course will deal in detail specifically and exclusively with the European System for the protection of human rights. Although there are numerous summer courses and other special study programs within Europe on human rights protection, this course concentrates on an integrated treatment of the various European systems and of specifically European issues of human rights protection, that is, with important matters relevant to over forty European countries with diverse political, economic and social systems. The subject matter, therefore, includes human rights protection under the regimes of the Council of Europe (the European Convention of Human Rights and the European Social Charter), the European Community, the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (Helsinki Accords), as well as that on the universal level of public international law to the extent it is relevant. The treatment of the substantive regimes and their specific rights catalogues will be set against the background of a consideration of the philosophical, historical, political, economic and sociological aspects of human rights, and include practical institutional matters such as complaint procedures as well as developments such as in the area of ‘New Rights’.

    Practical and contempoary issues, such as the protection of human rights in situations of war or civil disorder will also be addressed.

    This comprehensive course has been organised by and will be presented by a dedicated group of experienced and experts teachers from universities in eleven European countries, co-ordinated by the Viadrina European University Frankfurt (Oder) (Germany). The other participants are the Universities of Lund, Uppsala (Sweden), Sevilla (Spain), Rotterdam, Utrecht (The Netherlands), Aberystwyth, London, Lancaster (United Kingdom), Rennes I (France), Lublin (Poland), Maribor (Slovenia), Malta, Vienna and Salzburg (Austria).


    7 - 20 September 2008


    Viadrina European University

    Frankfurt (Oder), Germany


    The teaching staff come from the different partner universities and each faculty member enjoys a high reputation in their respective field.

    • Sia Spiliopolou Åkermark (Uppsala)

    • Gudmundur Alfredsson (Lund)

    • Ulrike Brandl (Salzburg)

    • Jean Dhommeaux (Rennes)

    • Chris Harding (Aberystwyth)

    • Nina Herala (Vaasa)

    • Ryszard Piotrowicz (Aberystwyth)

    • Wolfram Karl (Salzburg)

    • Daniel Garcia San José (Sevilla)

    • Gerard C Rowe (Frankfurt/Oder)

    • Ingela Ståhl (Lund)

    • Markku Suksi (Turku)

    • Carmen Thiele (Frankfurt (Oder))

    • Leo Zwaak (Utrecht)

    • Anna-Karin Lindblom (Uppsala)

    • Leszek Leszynski (Lublin)

    • Silvio Devetak (Maribor)

    • Tobias Gries (Frankfurt/Oder)

    • Kardos Gábor (Budapest)


    Part I: General and Institutional Issues

    10-14 September 2007


    Overview of regimes and institutions

    Philosophical, conceptual, sociological and historical aspects

    National implementation

    Control procedures

    Non-governmental organisations

    Part II: Substantive Human Rights

    10-14 September 2007


    Civil and political rights

    The right to work

    The rights to health and to development

    Minorities, indigenous peoples and self-determination


    Migration and refugees

    Who can participate?

    This course is especially designed for advanced undergraduate students or recent graduates in order to provide students from all countries of both Western and Eastern Europe with an opportunity to expand their knowledge of human nights law and policy within the transnational European context. Participants are expected to attend for the whole duration of the program.

    Participating students should :

    • have a good working knowledge of English;

    • be at an advanced stage of their studies and

    • have at least a basic understanding of public international law

    Participants from international organisations or NGOs are also welcome.

    Teaching method & materials

    Held in English, the summer course will combine lecture and discussion approaches. Lectures will have a maximum number of 50 participants, while discussion groups will be limited to 20 participants. Participants will be expected to be actively involved, including the reading of materials set in advance for each session. Materials especially prepared for this course will be provided free of charge. Certain additional reading materiels will be available for purchase.


    A certificate of participation will be issued at the conclusion of the summer course.


    The total fee for the program is EURO 420. This charge includes

    • full tuition costs

    • accommodation for full period of the program (13 nights accommodation) and

    • all meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) Monday - Friday throughout both weeks of the program.

    Each participant must meet the cost of travel to and from Frankfurt (Oder).

    In cases of need, especially in the case of students from Eastern European Universities, a small scholarship may be provided (subject to funding availability and demonstrated need). Further details can be obtained on request by e-mail ([email protected]) or fax.

    The total fee of EURO 420 must be received by 20 August 2008. If it is not received by that date, you will not be permitted to participate in the Summer Course.

    Application procedure

    Written applications should include:

    the application form;

    curriculum vitae (max. one page);

    recommendation from a university teacher (preferably in public international law);

    proof of competence in English;

    letter of motivation (max. one page).

    All applications must be written in English. Forms can be downloaded below.

    Please follow closely the instructions which are contained on the application form.

    Application deadline

    Applications should be received by 31 May 2008.

    For further information, please visit http://www.hrcourse.euv-frankfurt-o.de/schule/Index.html

  9. Marie Curie Top Summer School 2008

    30 June to 11 July 2008


    The Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies organises the Marie Curie Top Summer School on International Criminal Law from 30 June to 11 July 2008. Highly respected academics and practitioners as well as prominent diplomats will provide the training and tutoring and enhance students to discuss about current topics of International Criminal Law.

    Some of the topics that will be discussed:


    Inability and Unwillingness (ICC Statute)

    Alternative Accountability Mechanisms

    Aspects of Prosecutorial Discretion

    Proliferation of Tribunals and Courts

    Participation of Victims

    Other special features:

    Guest lectures

    Social programme

    Visit to Courts and Tribunals in The Hague

    Tuition fees and other costs:

    There are no fees charged to the participants.

    The Marie Curie subsidy reimburses the travel costs (up to maximum amount).

    Costs of accommodation and meals are at the charge of the participants although a small per diem will be provided.


    Young researchers - Group 1

    The participant attending the event is in the first 4 years (full-time equivalent) of his/ her doctoral research activities in the field of public international law, human rights law, international humanitarian law, (inter)national criminal law.

    How to apply:

    Please send us the application form, which you can find at the bottom of this page, as well as:

    § A letter of motivation

    § Your Curriculum Vitae

    § A list of publications

    § And two recommendation letters in sealed envelopes. One letter of recommendation should be from your PhD supervisor

    And return it before 30 April 2008 to:

    Ms. Martine Wierenga, LL.M.

    Office Manager

    Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies

    P.O. Box 13228

    2501 EE The Hague

    The Netherlands

    Tel. +31 70 310 8606

    Fax +31 70 310 8609

    E-mail: [email protected]

  10. Course: Monitoring Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

    Geneva, 5 to 9 May 2008

    Aim and objectives

    The course will provide staff from small and medium organisations (in particular NGOs) with the know-how to get started in monitoring ESC rights, or in-depth knowledge to enhance their ESCR monitoring work. At the end of the training, the participants will be:

    Familiar with the content of economic, social and cultural rights;

    Able to devise realistic strategies for monitoring ESC rights and documenting the violation and realisation of an ESC right of particular concern to them or their organization;

    Able to present findings effectively, and devise an advocacy strategy which makes use of the international human rights mechanisms.


    The course program will cover the following topics:

    History of ESC rights. Content and scope. Correlative obligations. Progressive realisation. Non-discrimination. Justiciability.

    Human rights monitoring. Using indicators to document violations. Data sources on the internet. Introduction to budgetary analysis.

    Making data talk: presenting findings in an engaging and appealing way.

    Defining an advocacy strategy. Overview of the national, regional and UN human rights mechanisms relevant to ESCR and how to interact with them, including the treaty bodies, special procedures and Human Rights Council.

    Special focus: the right to food, the right to housing, the right to health.

    Panel discussion with experts: what makes an effective NGO report?

    Training methods

    A dynamic combination of lectures with hands-on practical work on real country situations, facilitated by experts experienced in ESCR work at both UN and grassroots level.

    Who should apply?

    This course aims to suit the needs of staff of human rights organisations, including NGOs, want to start monitoring economic, social and cultural rights or enhance the work they are currently doing on monitoring and advocating for ESC rights. The professional groups targeted are: advocacy/human rights/legal officers, managers, researchers, documentalists.

    Practical information

    The first session of this new five-day course will be held at the IUED in Geneva, from 5 to 9 May 2008. There will be a maximum of 20 participants accepted.

    The course will be held in parallel with the May session of the Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, which will also be held in Geneva. This will allow participants to participate in or observe the Committee in session, to the extent time permits.


    Participants who successfully complete the course will receive a certificate of participation from IUED and HURIDOCS.


    Applicants should complete an application form, and submit this along with their CV and a cover letter explaining briefly how the course learning will be applied. Applications should be emailed to [email protected] no later than 1 February 2008. Application forms can be downloaded here: http://www.huridocs.org/training/escr


    A full course fee of 2700 Swiss Francs includes: tuition costs, course materials, medical insurance, accommodation, bus transport, and full board. The fee is payable once confirmation of participation has been issued.

    For those who don’t need accommodation, there is a reduced fee of 1400 Swiss Francs, which includes only tuition, course materials, and half board.

    A few scholarships will be available.


    This course is a joint initiative of both the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID) and Human Rights Information and Documentation Systems, International (HURIDOCS).

    Contact information

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Phone: +41 22 755 5252.

    IHEID: www.graduateinstitute.ch

    HURIDOCS: www.huridocs.org

  11. Understanding women's human rights

    9 June - 14 July 2008

    Too often, from a UK domestic perspective, women’s rights are approached solely from the point of view of sex-based discrimination. Whilst the need to establish equality between men and women should not be underestimated, women’s rights issues also raise substantive human rights questions.

    The international human rights community and the mechanisms and procedures that implement human rights standards have examined and devised ways of using human rights law to guarantee the substantive rights of women. Specific women’s human rights norms have been agreed and human rights standards of general application have been developed to ensure that women’s human rights are guaranteed.

    The international human rights law framework on women’s rights is an invaluable resource and one that can be applied at all levels, from the international stage to the family unit. The collective wisdom of the international community in looking at the issues of women’s rights has applied and interpreted human rights in this area arguably more creatively than in any other. That community has used international human rights law to assist in overcoming many of the obstacles that women face in the world today. By understanding the international framework, the domestic agenda is significantly assisted in reaching its objectives.

    Course components

    • The international human rights law framework for guaranteeing women’s human rights

    • The economic and social rights of women: including poverty and access to education

    • Violence against women: including domestic violence, rape and harmful traditional practices

    • Health and reproductive choices: including women’s right to health, the life cycle approach and reproductive rights

    • The girl child: including areas of conflict between women’s rights and those of the child

    • Women in the criminal justice system: including detention, trafficking and the rights of victims of crime

    Why take this course?

    • Provides a detailed overview of international human rights law, including how the prohibition of discrimination works at the international law level, and how it affects the everyday lives of women

    • Explains from a human rights perspective how to challenge key issues facing women today

    • Offers access to leading human rights practitioners and academics

    • Addresses substantive issues of women’s rights


    Teachers on the course are leading practitioners and distinguished academic experts in the field, including Professor Christine Chinkin, Professor Aileen McColgan and Professor Paul Hunt. The course convener is Madeleine Colvin, a human rights lawyer who practised as a barrister before joining Liberty and later JUSTICE as a legal policy specialist. She is presently a human rights consultant and a part-time Immigration Judge.

    Fees and administration

    The course runs for six consecutive Monday evenings, from June 9th to July 14th 2008. Classes will take place between 6pm and 8pm. One, wholly optional, discussion-based seminar will be held at the same time on Wednesday July 3rd, to facilitate wider discussion of the issues raised in the lectures.

    The course fee is £990. If you, or your employer, are able to pay the full fee, please complete and return the 'Registration form' with payment or invoice details as soon as possible.

    The Centre is able to offer up to eight subsidised places, five partially funded (half price) and up to three fully funded places for those would otherwise be unable to attend. Those wishing to apply for a subsidised place must complete and return the ‘Subsidised place application form' by noon on Thursday 15th May 2008. Applicants for a subsidised place should not complete the Registration form.

    Registration form (Word document)

    Subsidised place application form (Word document)

    More information about the course (PDF)


  12. Minority Rights, Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights Law Summer School 2008

    The 2008 Minority Rights, Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights Law summer school will be held from 15-20 June.

    Registration and updates available from the Conference website (http://www.conference.ie/Conferences/index.asp?Conference=17).

    The Irish Centre for Human Rights runs an annual summer school that focuses on the rights of minorities and indigenous peoples. The aim of the course is to provide participants with an overview of the legal, political and philosophical issues pertaining to international human rights law and its relationship to minority rights and the rights of indigenous peoples.

    During the course participants seek to understand, assimilate and critically evaluate legal arguments with respect to the international minority rights regime and how it pertains to minorities and indigenous peoples. In addition they are encouraged to analyse the underlying philosophical basis within the discourse and to become familiar with current debates and cases with a special focus on issues such as the right to land, affirmative action policies, and effective political participation and restitution.


    Registration is on a first-come-first served basis.* Tuition must be paid in full no later than 30th April 2008, failing which registration may not be guaranteed.

    Registration is made online. Payment can be made online via Mastercard or Visa.

    * Non-EU citizens: If you require a visa, it is your responsibility to find out how long it takes to obtain one.


    The fee for each individual course of €550* which includes registration, all teaching materials, shared accommodation (B&B), lunch and our social events (opening reception and closing dinner) as well as a half-day trip.

    The combined price for attendance at both courses is €900.00*.

    * If no accommodation is required the teaching fee is €350.00 for each of the courses and €600.00 combined.


    For further information, please email:

    [email protected]

  13. Poznan Human Rights Centre

    Institute of Legal Studies of Polish Academy of Sciences

    Poznan Human Rights Centre and Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Law and

    Administration, in partnership with the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and

    Humanitarian Law (Lund, Sweden) and with financial support of the OSCE Office for

    Democratic Institutions and Human Rights are organizing the 17-th edition of the Course on

    International Protection of Human Rights - Rights of National Minorities.

    The Course will take place in Poznan (Poland) from 1 to 10 September 2008.

    The main objective of the Course is to enhance the participants' knowledge and understanding

    of the existing standards and institutional aspects of the protection of human rights at the

    international level. This year's edition will focus additionally on issues related to the rights of

    national minorities. The Course is offered particularly to young researches, lawyers, students

    and NGO activists.

    The Course consists of 60 hours of lectures and case-studies. The lectures will be held by

    eminent professors and experts in the field of human rights and international law. The case

    studies will involve discussions on decisions of the European Court of Human Rights and the

    UN treaty bodies.

    • The working language of the Course is English.

    • The number of participants is limited to 25 persons.

    • Those successfully completing the Course will obtain a certificate of attendance.

    We would like to inform you that the registration fee is 200€. Organizers provide

    participants with accommodation in double rooms in a student hostel, meals (breakfast and

    lunch) and teaching materials. Upon specific requests registration fee may be reduced. A

    limited number of grants to cover travel costs is available to applicants from Southeastern

    Europe and former USSR countries.

    Applications must be received before 31 May 2008. All applicants must enclose a curriculum

    vitae and a letter of recommendation.

    For detailed information and the application form please search www.phrc.pl.

    Poznan Human Rights Centre

    Ul. Mielzynskiego 27/29

    61-725 Poznan


    Fax: (+48) 061 8520 260

    [email protected]




    20 - 30 July 2008





    The International Summer Academy on Human Security is part of the HUMSEC project (www.humsec.eu) and will be held in the Human Rights City of Graz.

    The project is designed to contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between transnational terrorist and criminal organisations in the peace-building process of the Western Balkan region. Through the organisation of an annual summer academy, the HUMSEC network aims to bring the scientific discourse closer to civil society, to strengthen democratic principles and to raise awareness by means of human rights education and education for democratic citizenship of the threats that transnational terrorist and criminal organisations bring for the peacebuilding and reconstruction process in the Western Balkan region.

    The lectures of the summer academy will be mainly given by experts from the HUMSEC partner institutions, but also by external experts. The programme provides an introduction to human security and security threats such as terrorism and organised crime, with a particular focus on the influence of terrorist and criminal organisations on the peacebuilding process in the Western Balkan region (the leading topic of the third year of the project). Societal factors such as poverty and corruption, but also law enforcement, the protection of victims, the role of the media and of civil society will be studied in relation to the goals of human security and the respect for human and minority rights.

    Participants will be selected on the basis of their field of interest and their personal motivation to be involved in the programme. Full or partial scholarships will be available in limited numbers (for eligible countries see details under www.summeracademy.etc-graz.at)


    - What is human security – notes on human security as personal security, human security and human rights, and human security interlinked with post-conflict stabilisation

    - The concepts of terrorism and organised crime

    - The concept of peacebuilding

    - Institution building, human rights and minorities

    - Law enforcement

    - Media and civil society

    - The impact of economic development and corruption on peacebuilding

    - Victims

    - Synthetic approach and conclusions


    The summer academy draws on the expertise of a selected group of academics who represent the HUMSEC project partners from sixteen universities and academic institutions, as well as on the expertise of legal practitioners, NGO representatives and decision-makers from various sectors. This guarantees a broad approach to the human security issue and the special focus on terrorist and criminal organisations. The training is based on lectures, discussions and workshops. To assure sustainability and multiplying effects, the training methods put particular emphasis on the interactive approach. The academy is designed as a modular course, covering one topic per day, which allows the transfer of knowledge, the acquisition of skills and the shaping of attitudes as well. Working language of the summer academy is English. Participants who have actively taken part in the whole program will receive a certificate of attendance.


    The summer academy is designed as ten-day-course for

    . postgraduate students,

    . young professionals,

    . young researchers

    . and representatives of NGOs

    whose work agenda focuses on the topics of terrorism, organised crime and peacebuilding. Special focus will be made on the selection of participants from South Eastern and Eastern Europe.


    For details please consult the summer academy's homepage www.summeracademy.etc-graz.at or send an email to [email protected]


    Please send your application documents by email to [email protected]

  15. Young Human Rights Activist Vienna Award 2008

    The Young Human Rights Activist Award 2008 honors courageous and innovative young individuals striving for human rights and social justice throughout the world. Applicants must be young with achievements in one of the following regions: Asia, Turkey, Africa, Central- or South America. Preferably the achievements should be based on new concepts in human rights works in the areas of freedom, women’s rights, poverty eradication and inclusive education. Furthermore, psychosocial projects responding to human rights violations are also welcome.

    The award - 1.500 € - is sponsored by Siroos Mirzaei under the patronage of Hemayat (www.hemayat.org). A jury of human rights experts will choose the winner of the Young Human Rights Activist Vienna Award 2008.

    Applications should be sent to Prof. Dr. Siroos Mirzaei, Wilhelminenspital, Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Montleartstraße 37, A-1171 Wien, Austria; email: [email protected] e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

  16. International Training Programme on Governance and Management of NGOs

    The Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII) is organizing an International Training Programme on "Governance and Management of Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs).” It is scheduled from 21st July 2008 to 29th August 2008. The training programme is sponsored by the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Division within the Ministry of External Affairs of the Government of India.

    Participants from the 156 countries listed by ITEC http://itec.nic.in/iteccountry.htm , and those under the Special Commonwealth African Assistance Programme (SCAAP) are not required to bear any training cost, including boarding, lodging & traveling expenses. There is a provision support for out of pocket expense. However, applicants from the countries other than those listed by ITEC can join the training programme by paying the training cost, including boarding & lodging expenses of $1500/- to EDII.

    Candidates who are interested to join the training programme may please visit the following websites for detailed brochure http://www.ediindia.org. The application procedure including course content of the training programme can be accessed from the website. For any other further enquiries, applicants from countries listed under ITEC may visit the nearest Indian Embassy or Mission located in their respective countries. Those applicants who are interested to join directly on payment basis ($1500/-) may contact Programme Director Dr. Subhransu Tripathy ( [email protected] e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ) / Manager-Planning ( [email protected] e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ).

    Last date of submission of Application form at Indian Embassy Office located in respective country of the Applicant is 21st April, 2008.

  17. 10th Summer Session Salzburg Law School on International Criminal Law, Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law

    3 August 2008 - 15 August 2008

    The Salzburg Law School on International Criminal Law, Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law is an annual two-week summer course, established in the aftermath of the Rome Conference of Plenipotentiaries for the Establishment of the International Criminal Court and held its inaugural session in 1999. Its main focus is international criminal law and international justice, substantive international criminal law and the organisation of international judicial bodies, in particular, the ad hoc Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda as well as the International Criminal Court. Furthermore it provides training in those areas that are inseparably related to the understanding and development of international criminal law, such as humanitarian law and human rights law for future leading participants in this rapidly evolving field. The Salzburg Law School disseminates knowledge and promotes the understanding of international criminal law as it stands and as it is evolving, with a particular view on contemporary issues. It follows closely the ongoing developments within international adjudicating organs as well as in the academic community and pays special attention to the interrelationship between concurring fields of law as well as enforcement on the national and the international level. The course is composed of lectures, workshop and case studies; due time is dedicated to discussions with the speakers and among the participants.

    Level: professional , graduate

    Location: Salzburg, Austria

    Participants: a maximum of 50 advanced law students and young professionals with academic and/or practical experience in international criminal law, humanitarian law and human rights law

    Tuition, fee, lodging: Regular fee: 650 Euro. Undergraduate students: 600 Euro. Included are academic and administrative charges, working materials (going beyond basic documents), certificate of attendance, accommodation in double rooms, full board, social programme and a lot more. To apply, please send us a letter of motivation (1-2 pages), your CV and relevant documentation, by e-mail or regular mail before 15 May 2008.

    Contact Information:

    Institute for Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminology

    Paris-Lodron-University Salzburg

    Kapitelgasse 5-7

    A- 5020 Salzburg


    Tel: +43 662 8044 3358

    Fax: +43 662 8044 3357

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Web: http://www.sbg.ac.at/salzburglawschool

  18. International Human Rights Academy

    9 August 2008 - 23 August 2008

    Now in its 6th year, The International Human Rights Academy is a human rights course, organised every year in South Africa or in Europe under the auspices of Ghent University (Belgium), Utrecht University (The Netherlands), University of the Western Cape (Republic of South Africa), American University Washington College of Law (United States of America), Free University of Brussels (Belgium) and the Roosevelt Academy (The Netherlands).

    The various intensive courses that make up the Academy are designed to provide high quality legal education in comparative international human rights and in humanitarian law, with an emphasis on the practical aspects in the various juridical but also medical fields.

    Level: professional , graduate

    Location: Middelburg, The Netherlands

    Participants: academics, staff of international organisations, staff of nongovernmental organisations (regional, national and international), judges, lawyers and other legal practitioners and postgraduate students

    Contact Information:

    IHRA secretariat

    Utrecht University - International Office

    Janskerkhof 3

    3512 BK Utrecht

    The Netherlands

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Web: http://www.law.uu.nl/ihra

  19. Advanced Course on the International Protection of Human Rights

    18 August 2008 - 29 August 2008

    The course aims at providing a profound insight into, and analysis of, the system of international human rights protection in the light of contemporary problems and relevant case law. The course is composed of lectures, case studies in working- groups, seminars and an optional essay. Participants, who have successfully completed the course, including the essay, will be awarded a Diploma equivalent to 10 ECTS. With no essay, the participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance equivalent to 5 ECTS.


    New Developments in UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies (Substance and Procedure) (3 hrs)

    Implementation of the Women's Convention (3 hrs)

    Violence against Women and the UN Human Rights System (3 hrs)

    Ineke Boerefijn, Dr., Associate Professor, Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM), Utrecht University, Professor of Gender and Law,

    Centre for Gender and Diversity, Maastricht University

    From the Commission on Human Rights to the Human Rights Council (3 hrs)

    The Role of NGOs (3 hrs)

    Rachel Brett, LL.M., Representative, Quaker United Nations Office, Geneva

    Economic and Social Rights — An Overview of Standards, Mechanisms and Legal Status (3 hrs)

    Human Rights and Minorities in the OSCE and Council of Europe Systems (3 hrs)

    Krzysztof Drzewicki, Dr.iur., Senior Legal Adviser, Office of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, The Hague

    The European Human Rights System: Material Rights and Their Enforcement (15 hrs)

    Rick Lawson, Dr., Professor, Kirchheiner Chair of Protection of the Integrity of the

    Individual, Department of Public Law, Leiden University

    The Status of International Human Rights Norms in EU Law (6 hrs)

    Allan Rosas, Dr.iur., Judge, Court of Justice of the European Communities, Luxembourg

    Human Rights Committee as Developer of International Law (3 hrs)

    Human Rights and Terrorism (3 hrs)

    Martin Scheinin, Dr.iur., Professor, Director, Åbo Akademi University Institute for Human Rights, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Counter-Terrorism

    Indigenous Peoples' Rights under ILO Convention No. 169 (3 hrs)

    Special Guest Lecture on Economic and Social Rights: The Contribution of the ILO in Promoting Human Rights (3 hrs)

    Lee Swepston, former Senior Adviser on Human Rights, and Director of the Department of Fundamental Principles and Rights, International Labour Office

    Panel Discussion: The Relationship between Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law (2 hrs)

    Level: professional , graduate

    Location: Åbo, Finland

    Participants: The number of participants is limited to a maximum of 25. Admittance presupposes, as a general rule, a law degree (or equivalent) and a good basic knowledge of human rights law. Practical experience in the field of human rights, publications and previous participation in special human rights courses are considered a merit.

    Tuition, fee, lodging: The course fee, which includes lodging at the University’s guesthouse (dormitory standard), course materials, and two receptions, is EUR 1,300. The fee is EUR 1,000 for those who make their own housing arrangements. Application deadline: 15 April 2008.

    Contact Information:

    Ms Johanna Bondas

    Information Manager

    Institute for Human Rights

    Åbo Akademi University

    Gezeliusgatan 2

    FIN–20500 Turku/Åbo


    Tel: +358–2–215 4713

    Fax: +358–2–215 4699

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Web: http://www.abo.fi/instut/imr/

  20. Human Rights Law in the Americas Summer Program

    21 July 2008 - 15 August 2008

    ABA-approved summer law program at the Universad Nacional combining the study of international human rights law with an immersion in Costa Rican culture. It consists of two intensive courses, guest lectures by prominent human rights leaders, as well as site visits to key institutions within the Inter-American human rights system.

    The program provides students with six credit hours upon successful completion of the two courses. Student evaluation is based on course attendance and written examinations. Acceptance of credits or grades for any courses taken in the program is subject to determination by each student's home school.

    All classes and lectures are conducted in English.

    Level: graduate

    Location: San José, Costa Rica

    Participants: Admission to the program is open to students who have completed at least one year of full- or part-time law study at an accredited law school. A letter of good standing from each student's dean is required following acceptance to the program. Enrollment is limited to 40 students: 35 from ABA-approved law schools and five students from Latin America.

    Contact Information:

    Professor Ajitha Reddy

    International Human Rights Law Institute

    DePaul University

    25 E. Jackson

    Chicago, IL 60604


    Fax: +1 312-362-5923

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Web: http://www.law.depaul.edu/centers_institutes/ihrli/index.asp

  21. 5th Annual Winter Course on Forced Migration

    1 December 2007 - 15 December 2007

    The Winter Course on Forced Migration is an outcome of the ongoing and past work by the CRG, and other collaborating groups, institutions, scholars, and human rights and humanitarian activists in the field of refugee studies and the broad studies on displacement, human rights and humanitarian work for the victims of forced displacement. Policy analysis of laws and administrative measures in this field also inform the course. The duration of the course is three months. A two and a half month long distance education programme precedes the fifteen-day Kolkata workshop.

    The course intends to serve multiple objectives study, training, capacity building, and pooling of available resources in displacement studies. The programme involves several university departments and personnel, and other institutions working in this area. It draws attention to the benchmark set by national and international human rights and humanitarian laws and principles, and the experiences of the relevant organisations and front-ranking personnel. The course is special because of its emphasis on experiences of forced displacement, creative writings on refugee life, nature of internal displacement, critical legal analysis, and analysis of notions of vulnerability, care, risk, protection, and settlement. Attention on gender concerns is an integral part of the course. It has been recognised as a centre of excellence.

    Level: professional , post-graduate graduate

    Location: Kolkata, India

    Participants: younger academics, refugee activists and others working in the field of human rights and humanitarian assistance for victims of forced displacement

    Tuition, fee, lodging: Selected candidates from South Asia will have to pay INR 5000 each as registration fee (from outside South Asia the fee is US $ 400). CRG will bear accommodation and other course expenses for all participants. Applications forms need to be submitted by 31 May 2007.

    Contact Information:

    Course Coordinator

    Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group (CRG)

    GC-45, First Floor


    Salt Lake City

    Kolkata-700 106

    West Bengal


    E-mail: [email protected]

    Web: http://www.mcrg.ac.in/

  22. Challenges to International Humanitarian Law

    12 November 2007 - 16 November 2007

    This intensive course is meant to provide insights into new developments of and challenges to international humanitarian law. International experts will, inter alia, deal with the interaction between human rights law and humanitarian law and international criminal law. Issues such as child soldiers and genocide will also be addressed.

    The course is composed of lectures, case studies in working groups, a panel discussion and an optional written examination. Those who successfully complete the course, including the written examination, will be awarded a Diploma (equivalent to 8 ECTS credits).

    Level: professional , graduate

    Location: Turku/Åbo, Finland

    Participants: The number of participants is limited to 30. Participants are expected to be familiar with legal concepts. Knowledge of human rights law is considered a merit.

    Tuition, fee, lodging: For further information please contact the organisers.

    Contact Information:

    Ms Johanna Bondas

    Information Manager

    Institute for Human Rights

    Åbo Akademi University

    Gezeliusgatan 2

    FIN–20500 Turku/Åbo


    Tel: +358–2–215 4713

    Fax: +358–2–215 4699

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Web: http://www.abo.fi/instut/imr/

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