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Blog Comments posted by Teetotaller

  1. Игра моделирует в общем-то жизнь в целом :-)

    There are 5 main types of cards in Fluxx:

    * Keepers: You put these out on the table in front of you when you play them.

    * Goals: When someone plays a goal, it stays in the center of the table until a new goal takes its place. To win, you simply need to do whatever the goal says. Most of the time, the goal requires you to have a couple of particular Keepers on the table in front of you. As soon as any player achieves the current goal, that player wins!

    * New Rules: This is where the fun really starts. When the game begins, the only rules are that you draw 1 card per turn and play 1 card per turn. But when you play a New Rule, these rules are either changed or added to. New Rules change the number of cards drawn and played per turn as well as the number of cards you are allowed to hold in your hand, the number of Keepers you can have, bonuses for players who have particular Keepers, and more.

    * Actions: These are 1 time use cards that let you do fun stuff like stealing someone else's Keeper, getting rid of a rule you don't like, drawing more cards, and so on.

    * Creepers: These are sort of like Keepers in that you keep them in front of you, but you have no choice about playing them and they usually stop you from winning. (But sometimes, Creepers are just what victory is calling for!)

  2. Well I don't feel better

    When I'm fucking around

    And I don't write better

    When I'm stuck in the ground

    So don't teach me a lesson

    Cause I've already learned

    Yeah the sun will be shining

    And my children will burn

    Oh the heart beats in its cage

    I don't want what you want

    I don't feel what you feel

    See I'm stuck in a city

    But I belong in a field

    Yeah we got left, left, left, left, left, left, left

    Now it's three in the morning and you're eating alone

    Oh the heart beats in its cage

    All our friends, they're laughing at us

    All of those you loved you mistrust

    Help me I'm just not quite myself

    Look around there's no one else left

    I went to the concert and I fought through the crowd

    Guess I got too excited when I thought you were around

    Oh he gets left, left, left, left, left, left, left

    I'm sorry you were thinking; I would steal your fire.

    The heart beats in its cage

    Yes the heart beats in its cage


    And the heart beats in its cage

    The Strokes. Heart in a cage

  3. Адина, есть, например, в поэзии понятие роман лирических героев. При том ничего общего с реальной жизнью это не имеет. Так было у лирической героини Ахматовой и лирического героя Блока. А в реале - фигушки. :)
  4. Однажды мне задали вопрос, есть ли разница между тем, чтоб изменять мужу и тем, чтоб изменять бойфренду (пусть даже сожителю). Я ответила (так вобщем то и считаю), что разница есть и немалая. Потому что когда вступаешь в брак даешь обещания и клятвы любить его и только его пока смерть не разлучит и все таке. А с гелфрендами и прочими сожителями все просто - уйти можно в любое время. Обещаний и тем более гарантий никто не дает. Такая вот логика.
  5. Не, я не считаю что пару мне не надо. Очень даже надо. Но осенний гон не лежит в плоскости межполовых отношений.

    Еще одна социальная роль вопрос может и задвинет своей массой, но не решит. А от секса я не устаю (спасибо тантре).

    Выходит вы сами не знаете, от чего осенний гон, но при этом точно знаете, что он не от отсутствия второй половины?

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