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Another controversy story about Christ


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Excerpt preface from book :

The liberation of the human mind has never been furthered by dunderheads; it has
been furthered by gay fellows who heaved dead cats into sanctuaries and then went
roistering down the highways of the world, proving to all men that doubt, after all,
was safe¾that the god in the sanctuary was finite in his power and hence a fraud.
One horse-laugh is worth ten thousand syllogisms. It is not only more effective; it is
also vastly more intelligent.

H.L. Mencken
The search for the conspiratorial origins of the name of this book’s author takes a
circuitous route. “Acharya” means “teacher,” but the title conjures an image of a little
old man in India. Mahatma Gandhi, for instance, bestowed the title onto his spiritual
heir, Acharya Vinoba Bhave, who began the Bhoodan land movement in India in the
early 1950s. More strictly, the word means “preceptor,” the head-master or principal
of a school. A student could further fine-tune that definition by discovering, only in
some dictionaries, that “preceptory” includes reference to the Knights Templar, an
order ostensibly founded in 1119 CE to protect Holy Land pilgrims during the Second
Crusade until it was banned and went underground two centuries later. Today,
Freemasonry continues to claim descent from this medieval brotherhood.
None of this rumination suggests that Acharya S claims title as a preceptor or
direct kinship to the Freemasons, although she has helped re-popularize an essay by
Thomas Paine regarding Masonic sun-worship. Acharya’s preceptory resides
in cyberspace, on the web at www.truthbeknown.com, on her discussion list,
through her posts in such e-places as konformist.com and Steamshovel Press,
of which I am the publisher, and through her non-profit Institute for Historical
Accuracy. Acharya S is also not a kindly little old guru. Her writing reflects a wicked
wit and the intelligence of a person who does not suffer fools gladly. Under the
flashing head of Bob Dobbs on her website and the words “God is BORG” are
essays/rants on Earth and the cosmos, the existence or nonexistence of “God,” the
spiritual paucity of organized religion, as well as conspiracy and UFO/alien realities.
“The believers/theists feel my views are intolerant,” she writes, “while the
nonbelievers/atheists object to the mysticism and perceive me as creating new
beliefs . . . While I do not wish to live in a world where everyone is deluded by blind
belief, I also do not want to totally dismiss all imagination or color.”
A certain contemporary, straight-talking style distinguishes the work of Acharya
S, which is surprising in that her scholarship sets out to recover ancient
understanding from the relatively modern corruption of Judeo-Christian culture.
Her style and perception are reminiscent of the late novelist and satirist William S.
Burroughs, and she no doubt agrees with this assessment of his: “Perhaps the most
basic concept in my writing is a belief in the magical universe, a universe of many
gods often in conflict. The paradox of an all-powerful, all-seeing God who
nonetheless allows suffering, evil and death, does not arise.” Indeed, Acharya S likes
to say, “There is no single giant male god in charge. There are six billion little gods all
jockeying for position.”
What is most interesting, perhaps, about Acharya S’s work is that, while a
rabblerousing rebel, she has an impressive set of academic credentials. She belongs
to one of the world’s most exclusive institutes for the study of ancient Greek
civilization, the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Greece. She has
taught on Crete and worked on archaeological excavations in Corinth, site where
legend holds Paul addressed the Corinthians, and in New England. She has also
traveled extensively around Europe and has a “working knowledge” of Greek,
French, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese and other languages. She has read
Euripides, Plato and Homer in ancient Greek and Cicero in Latin, as well as Chaucer
in Middle English, and has clearly sat down with the Bible – in English, as well as in the
original Hebrew and Greek – long enough to understand it more than most clergy.
So, as entertaining and edifying as is the dharma combat carried on by Acharya S
via her expository cyberprose, this book, The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story
Ever Sold, reflects the scholarship from which her fiery perspective comes. Some
readers may find different aspects of it familiar. For instance, her survey of the lack
of evidence for the existence of the historical Jesus contains information that has
become increasingly accepted even by Christian revisionist groups such as the Jesus
Seminary. As inflammatory as that material remains in many circles, it serves only as
the beginning for Acharya S. She takes hammer and tong to many other nonhistorical
figures, fraudulent church scams and misrepresented history in a matter of
fact way, with chapters containing mythological character cross-references and
details of legends. She recovers astronomical and cosmological elements in biblical
texts that are far older than the corrupted versions revered in churches. The thesis of
her work, that Christianity was created artificially out of older religions to
consolidate Roman state control over those religions, as well as various mystery
schools and secret societies, is a wellspring of awareness for students of conspiracy.
Acharya S also makes a clear case for the existence of an ancient global civilization.
While some may wonder about her motives for creating such a monumental
work that will no doubt shake up many people’s perceptions of reality, Acharya S told
me in no uncertain terms that “one of the reasons for doing this work is that I spent
the first decade of my life literally becoming ill at war, violence, death and man’s
inhumanity to man and other creatures. Such vile behavior has all too often occurred
because of religion and unfounded beliefs. The deception of the religion business is
appalling, and it’s high time it is exposed.” Amen.
Kenn Thomas
January 1, 1999
Beginning the last year of the second Common-Era millennium

Мотивация написания этой книги показанная в предисловии подкреплена лучшими намерениями , но кто может остановить убивающих - разум человека изошрен в поиске причин для оправдания собственной животной сушности.

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Ха, прочитал в этой книге :

Christian historians often give the impression that Europe’s barbarians
welcomed the new faith, which held out a hope of immortality and a more kindly
ethic. The impression is false. The people didn’t willingly give up the faith of their
ancestors, which they considered essential to the proper functioning of the earth’s
cycles. They had their own hope of immortality and their own ethic, in many ways a
kinder ethic than that of Christianity, which was imposed on them by force. Justinian
obtained 70,000 conversions in Asia Minor by methods that were so cruel that the
subject populations eventually adopted Islam in order to rid themselves of the rigors
of Christian rule. As a rule, heathen folk resisted Christianity as long as they could,
even after their rulers had gone over to the new faith for its material rewards. . . .
Certain words reveal by their derivation some of the opposition met by missionaries.
The pagan Savoyards called Christians “idiots,” hence crétin, “idiot,” descended
from Chrétian, “Christian.” German pagans coined the term bigot, from bei Gott,
an expression constantly used by the monks.xix

Walker, Barbara, The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects, Harper, 1988
Walker, Barbara, The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, Harper, 1983

Не поверил, посмотрел в вики :

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p 136

Город Назарет появился на Земле только после того как евангелие было обнародовано.
Холли пишет что Назарет как место не сушествует в ветхом завете или в произведении Джозепа, или на старых картах Святой Земли. Данное имя прдумано христианами. Город который называется Назаретом расположен вблизи Кармел (берет свое название от кармелитов кто основал его).
Поэтому Исус не из Назарета, которого не сушествовало в указанное время. На самом деле причины этого в том чтобы сделать его происшедшим из Назарета или Назарита, который в то же время всем известный Назарит Самсон - солнечный миф. Это имя пришло из Египетского Натзр (урожай , побег the natzar вино). Назарит - синоним солнца которое дает жизнь виноградному вину. Назарит также переводится как принц как в "принце мира". Назареты или Назариты были аскетами которые не брили своих волос или бороды разве что для ритуалов, потому что волосы были символом святости и силы, символизирующие лучи солнца.
Назарет является мифом и не мог являтся местом рождения Исуса. На самом деле Исус родился не в Бетлееме или Назарете, а в Роме .

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