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FIDE Grand Prix Series Baku


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[b]Сроки проведения:[/b]
20 апреля по 6 мая и будет посвящено 85-летию со дня рождения Общенационального лидера Гейдара Алиева.

[b]Место проведения:[/b]
Hyatt Regency Baku

[b]Место проведения торжественного открытия и закрытия турнира:[/b]
Азербайджанская государственная филармония им. Муслима Магомаева

[b]Состав участников по ЭЛО:[/b]
Carlsen Magnus NOR 2765
Mamedyarov Shakhriyar AZE 2752
Radjabov Teimour AZE 2751
Svidler Peter RUS 2746
Karjakin Sergey UKR 2732
Adams Michael ENG 2729
Kamsky Gata USA 2726
Grischuk Alexander RUS 2716
Bacrot Etienne FRA 2705
Cheparinov Ivan BUL 2695
Wang Yue CHN 2689
Inarkiev Ernesto RUS 2684
Gashimov Vugar AZE 2679
Navara David CZE 2672

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[b]В Баку прибыл известный шахматист Гата Камский
15 Апреля 2008, Day.Az[/b]

Для участия в бакинском этапе международного шахматного турнира Гран-при в Азербайджан прибыл известный американский гроссмейстер Гата Камский.

Об этом передает «Новости-Азербайджан» со ссылкой на руководителя пресс-службы Федерации шахмат Азербайджана Турала Бахышева.

По его словам, Г.Камский и его личный тренер – украинец, действующий чемпион мира Руслан Пономарев, прилетели в Баку сегодня утром.

Отметим, что в бакинском этапе международного шахматного турнира Гран-при примут участие лучшие гроссмейстеры мира - Петр Свидлер (Россия), Магнус Карлсен (Норвегия), Сергей Карякин (Украина), Майкл Адамс (Англия), Гата Камский (США), Иван Чепаринов (Болгария), Александр Грищук (Россия), Этьен Бакро (Франция), Ванг Ю (Китай), Эрнесто Инаркиев (Россия) и Давид Навара (Чехия).

Предусмотрено, что все участники Гран-при прибудут в Азербайджан до 19 апреля.

Отметим, что Азербайджан в данном первенстве представят три гроссмейстера – Шахрияр Мамедъяров, Теймур Раджабов и Вюгар Гашимов.

Первый этап международного шахматного турнира Гран-при пройдет в Баку в отеле «Хаят Редженси» с 20 апреля по 6 мая.

Данный турнир будет продолжаться в течение двух лет в шести городах мира. Первый этап в рамках данного турнира пройдет в Баку с 20 апреля по 6 мая, второй - с 30 июля по 15 августа в городе Сочи (Россия), третий - 13-29 декабря в Дохе (Катар). В 2009 году турнир пройдет в городах Монтеру (Швеция) – 14-28 апреля, Элиста (Россия) – 8-24 августа и завершится Гран-при в Карловых Варах (Чехия) – 7-23 декабря.

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[quote name='Yusif-Yusif' post='2755630' date='Apr 16 2008, 07:44 ']BOA, наши вебсайт турнира сделали? онлайн будет?[/quote]
Вебсайт делают не наши. Онлайн должен быть, как же без онлайна.

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Победитель турнира должен обязательно быть нашим соотечественником :) Настараживает лишь Карлсен, уж слишком он прогрессировал за прошедшие месяцы. Будем надеяться, что в Баку ему не удастся осуществлить все свои мечты :)

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[quote name='Orkhan' post='2760789' date='Apr 17 2008, 00:20 ']Победитель турнира должен обязательно быть нашим соотечественником :) Настараживает лишь Карлсен, уж слишком он прогрессировал за прошедшие месяцы. Будем надеяться, что в Баку ему не удастся осуществлить все свои мечты :)[/quote]
Лично я не считаю его фаворитом бакинского турнира.

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Я считаю фаворитами Камского и Тиму.
Уверен, Тима в любом случае будет в призерах.
Думаю Вугар закончит в маленьком плюсе или полтинник.
Думаю Магнус тоже будет в призерах.

А вот насчет Шаха не знаю, что и думать. Слишком уж он какчется из стороны в сторону последнее время. Может и первое взять но наврядли. Дистанция длинная, а на моей памяти он на таких дистанциях в конце всегда сдает. Надеюсь, что он хотя бы убедительный реванш у Магнуса возьмет за последнюю безвольную сдачу партии.

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[quote name='Orkhan' post='2760789' date='Apr 17 2008, 01:20 ']Победитель турнира должен обязательно быть нашим соотечественником :) Настараживает лишь Карлсен, уж слишком он прогрессировал за прошедшие месяцы. Будем надеяться, что в Баку ему не удастся осуществлить все свои мечты :)[/quote]

+2 максимум наберет Магус.
Хотя Везунчик страшниы

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[quote name='chessbase' post='2765463' date='Apr 17 2008, 23:23 ']+2 максимум наберет Магус.
Хотя Везунчик страшниы[/quote]
Как часто вы делаете прогнозы и следите за результатами Магнуса?

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[quote name='BOA_101' post='2765579' date='Apr 18 2008, 00:59 ']Как часто вы делаете прогнозы и следите за результатами Магнуса?[/quote]
Поверте болше вас.
и не в онлине а в живую

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[quote name='chessbase' post='2765595' date='Apr 18 2008, 00:03 ']Поверте болше вас.
и не в онлине а в живую[/quote]
Охотно верю и очень рад за вас, и вообще я далекий человек от шахмат.

[color="#FF0000"][b]Не нарушайте правила форума и "ура-патриотические" посты оставьте при себе.[/b][/color]

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[quote name='BOA_101' post='2760906' date='Apr 17 2008, 02:08 ']Лично я не считаю его фаворитом бакинского турнира.[/quote]
А почему ви не считаете его?
И кстате Муха 2 оы по реытингу среди участников

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[b]Президент Федерации шахмат Азербайджана: «Планируем ежегодно проводить крупные международные турниры»
18 Апреля 2008 - Day.Az[/b]

Сегодня в Международном пресс-центре состоялась пресс-конференция, посвященная стартующему 20 апреля в Баку первому шахматному турниру из серии Гран-при.

Как передает Day.Az, президент Федерации шахмат Азербайджана Эльман Рустамов отметил, что проведение турнира такого масштаба в Баку – большой успех для страны и для нашей Федерации.

«В том, что к нам приедут гроссмейстеры первой величины, есть заслуга и азербайджанских шахматистов, успешно выступающих на международной арене, - считает президент Федерации. - На высоком уровне поработала и Федерация, своевременно выдвинувшая свою кандидатуру относительно проведения турнира в Азербайджане. Соревнования такого уровня мы планируем проводить в Баку ежегодно».

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[b]Вице-президент Федерации шахмат Азербайджана Фаик Гасанов: «У турнира Гран-при в Баку пять фаворитов»
18 Апреля 2008 - Day.Az[/b]

Вице-президент Федерации шахмат Азербайджана и главный арбитр турнира Гран-при в Баку Фаик Гасанов верит в успешное выступление на этом соревновании трех азербайджанских гроссмейстеров.

«Игра наших шахматистов зависит от их формы, - передает Day.Az слова вице-президента, сказанные на сегодняшней пресс-конференции. – И Теймур Раджабов, и Шахрияр Мамедъяров, и Вугар Гашимов играли недавно на командном чемпионате России и сыграли неплохо, что позволяет делать оптимистичные прогнозы. Правда, от Шахрияра на чемпионате России мы ожидали большего».

По мнению Фаика Гасанова, фаворитами турнира в Баку являются пятеро шахматистов. «Это – Теймур Раджабов, норвежец Магнус Карлсен, россияне Петр Свидлер и Александр Грищук, а также, естественно, Шахрияр Мамедъяров», - заключил вице-президент Федерации.

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[quote name='BOA_101' post='2755060' date='Apr 16 2008, 00:59 '][b]Сроки проведения:[/b]
20 апреля по 6 мая и будет посвящено 85-летию со дня рождения Общенационального лидера Гейдара Алиева.

[b]Место проведения:[/b]
Hyatt Regency Baku

[b]Место проведения торжественного открытия и закрытия турнира:[/b]
Азербайджанская государственная филармония им. Муслима Магомаева

[b]Состав участников по ЭЛО:[/b]
Carlsen Magnus NOR 2765
Mamedyarov Shakhriyar AZE 2752
Radjabov Teimour AZE 2751
Svidler Peter RUS 2746
Karjakin Sergey UKR 2732
Adams Michael ENG 2729
Kamsky Gata USA 2726
Grischuk Alexander RUS 2716
Bacrot Etienne FRA 2705
Cheparinov Ivan BUL 2695
Wang Yue CHN 2689
Inarkiev Ernesto RUS 2684
Gashimov Vugar AZE 2679
Navara David CZE 2672[/quote]
средний рейт какой?

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[quote name='chessbase' post='2770059' date='Apr 18 2008, 22:39 ']средний рейт какой?[/quote]

Прибавляем рейтинг всех участников и делим на их количество.

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Regulations for the 2008 - 2009 FIDE Grand-Prix[/b]

[b]1. Introduction[/b] 1.1. Following the approval of the Presidential Board in Tallinn 2007, Global Chess BV and FIDE have worked on the Regulations for the World Championship Cycle for 2008/2009. A principle of stability and consolidation has been maintained throughout the various meetings and discussions held to draw up these Regulations.

The first important principle is the commercial approach to the organisation and management of these events and Global Chess will be responsible for locating one or several title sponsors for the six tournaments and for the Challenge match at the end of the Series. The host city may seek alternative sponsorship from business industries not in conflict with the main business activity carried out by the title sponsor.

The second principle is one of co-ordination. Together with FIDE, Global Chess will work and assist in the search and selection process of the host cities. The offer of each respective host city will be evaluated in terms of location, accessibility, and quality of conditions.

The third principle is communication. An open and transparent discussion has been held and will continue to be held with all stakeholders to seek continuous improvements in the standards that are offered, in making the tournaments more available to the world chess and non-chess media.

1.2. Governing Body: the World Chess Federation (FIDE). For the purpose of creating the regulations, communicating with the players and negotiating with the organisers, the President has nominated a committee, hereby called the World Chess Championship Committee (WCCC) who will co-operate with Global Chess BV.

1.3. FIDE retains all commercial and media rights of the Grand-Prix, including internet rights.

1.4. The body responsible for any changes to these Regulations is the FIDE Presidential Board.
2. Format of the Grand Prix 2008-2009[/b]

The Grand Prix will be a series of six tournaments held over two years (2008-2009) in leading world cities. The bidding process for the final selection of cities will commence in the second part of November 2007 and be finalized by January 2008.

In the interest of chess development, all continents should be represented, as far as possible, and depending on the interest generated in the series, FIDE will aim at organizing at least one event in each continent.

The timing of evaluating and contracting host city offers will be very important particularly at the start of the series. Offers to host and contract three tournaments over the next six years (i.e. three cycles - for 2008/9, 2010/1 and 2012/3) will be given preference.

21 top world players will be selected to compete in these tournaments. Each player agrees and will contract to participate in exactly 4 of these tournaments. Players must rank their preference of tournaments once the final list of host cities is announced and the dates are allocated to each host city.

FIDE reserves the right to assign players to tournaments according to the organizational needs and the players for each tournament will be announced before the cycle begins.

Each tournament will have 14 players playing over a schedule of seventeen days. The months allocated for the organisation of the Grand Prix tournaments are April, August and December of each respective year. These months have been selected to ensure there is no conflict with any other major event.

In view of an objective of harmonisation of the FIDE chess calendar, the months for the Grand Prix for 2009 are fixed as above, and the World Cup will be scheduled to meet the timing of the World Championship match in 2009 and the Grand Prix series.

[b]The winner of the Grand Prix series at the end of 2009 will play the winner of the World Cup held in 2009 in an eight game match to become the challenger to the World Champion in a match to be held in the third quarter of 2010. Should the overall winner of the Grand Prix also be the World Champion at the end of the Grand Prix series in 2009, then the Challenger rights will go to the second placed overall in the Grand Prix. Should the second placed player in the Grand Prix also be the winner of the World Cup 2009, then the Challenger rights emanating from the Grand Prix will go to the third placed overall in the Grand Prix series.[/b]
3. Qualifiers for the Grand Prix 2008-2009[/b]

The players who qualify for selection to play in the Grand Prix will be chosen on the following prioritized basis :

3.1 [b]MATCHES[/b]. For the first cycle of 2008/9, all players in the World Championship (ie. Kramnik or Anand) and Challenger matches (Topalov or the World Cup 2007 winner) will be invited to participate in the Grand Prix from the outset.

Given the organisation of both these matches in the third quarter of 2008, all these players will all be asked to commit their participation in the Grand Prix series by not later than 31st January 2008. Should any of these players decline to participate in the Grand Prix series, the President may nominate one player to replace and this player must be rated among the top 40 players in the World.

3.2 [b]QUALIFICATION[/b]. The FIDE World Cup in Khanty Mansiysk 2007 will be used to determine three qualifiers for the 2008/9 Grand Prix Series. Excluding the winner, these will be the players who have qualified to the semi final stages of the World Cup.

3.3 [b]RATING[/b]. Based on an average calculation to two decimal places, of the January 2007 rating list and the October 2007 rating list in the year prior to start of the cycle, [b]seven qualifiers[/b] will be selected (excluding the four players who will be playing the matches as defined in Article 2.1). If players have the same average rating, the number of games played between January 2007 and September 2007 (rating period) will be used to determine ranking.

To ensure active participation in the future, a minimum of twenty five (25) games is being recommended in the four rating lists including and prior to the October rating list in the year of qualification i.e. 2009, 2011 etc.. Given the short notice in the first edition of the Grand Prix, this regulation will not be applicable in the 2008-2009 series.

If any player does not accept to play in the Grand Prix series, then the selection process using the average rating plus number of games played in the rating period will be adopted, until the number of qualifiers required for the Grand Prix is completed.

3.4 [b]PRESIDENT NOMINEES[/b]. The FIDE President may nominate one player and he / she must be rated among the top 40 players in the world as per the October 2007 rating list. Players nominated by the President should be from different countries.

3.5 [b]HOST CITY NOMINEES[/b]. One players may be nominated by each host city and must be rated not less than 2550 in the last rating list prior to the final nomination or selection of players. If the host city does not have a player rated at least 2550 then the highest rated player from the Federation of the host city will be invited to play, subject to his rating not being lower than 2500.

The WCCC will coordinate with Global Chess and with all the host cities, in the allocation of players, should there be a conflict in the number of players in their ranking of preference of host cites. FIDE is not obliged, but will do its utmost to respect the players' preferences, and will balance the player allocation to a host city according to predetermined criteria such as average tournament rating, piece colour, continental representation, etc.

[b]4. Tournament Format[/b]

4.1 In each tournament the 14 players shall play a round robin tournament of 13 rounds.

4.2 If a player withdraws after completing 50% or more of the games, the rest of his games are lost by default. In case a player completes less than 50%, all his results are annulled.

* Time control: 120 minutes for the first forty moves, 60 minutes for the next twenty moves and then each player will be allotted 15 minutes after the second time control and an increment of 30 seconds per move will be allowed from move 61 onwards.

4.4 The players are not permitted to speak to their opponents during the games. Appropriate sporting behaviour is expected from all participants and FIDE rules of conduct are to be strictly followed at all times.

[b]Players will not be allowed to offer draws directly to their opponents. Any draw claim will be permitted only through the Chief Arbiter in the following cases:[/b]

[i][b]* a triple-repetition of the position,
* a perpetual check,
* in theoretically drawn position and
* Applying the rule of 50 moves (he writes his move on his scoresheet, and declares to the arbiter his intention to make this move which shall result in the last 50 moves having been made by each player without the movement of any pawn and without any capture, or the last 50 consecutive moves have been made by each player without the movement of any pawn and without any capture).[/b][/i]

The Chief Arbiter may consult with the Technical Adviser before accepting any claim by players for a draw. The Chief Arbiter is the only authority who can acknowledge the final result of the game in these cases.

4.5 The Technical Adviser must be a Grandmaster, rated at least 2500, who has held the title of Grandmaster for at least ten years and is an active player as defined by the rating system.

4.6 Tie breaks for each tournament:

As prizes and GP ranking points are shared equally, in cases of any tied position/s. No tie break system will be utilised for the individual GP tournaments. The process of determining the overall winner of the series, in the case of a tie, is defined in Article 7.2

[b]5. Tournament Schedule[/b]

5.1 [b]Schedule of each tournament[/b]:
Schedule of each tournament[/b]
1st day: Arrivals & Opening Ceremony
2nd day: Round 1
3rd day: Round 2
4th day: Round 3
5th day: Round 4
6th day: Round 5
7th day: Free day
8th day: Round 6
9th day: Round 7
10th day: Round 8
11th day: Round 9
12th day: Free day
13th day Round 10
14th day: Round 11
15th day: Round 12
16th day: Round 13 & Closing Ceremony
17th day: Departure
5.2 Upon reasonable request of the organisers, or the WCCC after consultation with Global Chess, the FIDE President may vary the schedule.
6. Confirmation of Participation[/b]

6.1 When FIDE has confirmed the name of organiser, venue and dates, the participants will be able to download the copy of the Player's Undertaking (which contains the player's obligations) from the FIDE web site and shall send their signed Undertaking to FIDE within one week. This is the player's responsibility. All participants have to sign and send the Player's Undertaking to the FIDE Secretariat, by the deadline, which will be announced by FIDE, on the FIDE website, after the official announcement of the Grand Prix series.

6.2 Players that fail to provide a satisfactory reason for withdrawal from the Grand Prix during or even before the series, after they have signed the player`s undertaking, may be excluded from the next World Championship cycle, apart from any other action that FIDE may reserve the right to take.

6.3 In the case of any withdrawal prior to two weeks before the commencement of the series, FIDE will replace the player who has withdrawn with the next highest rated player in the rating list as calculated in Article 3.3. This player will accept the withdrawn player's GP tournament schedule in its entirety.

6.4 If a player withdraws from the GP for any reason whatsoever, less than two weeks prior to the commencement of the GP series or even during the series, then FIDE reserves the right to select one or more players, as may be required, to compete ‘hors concours' in the withdrawn player's GP tournament schedule. The replacement players selected will be from the top 40 players and will only compete for the prize money within the specific tournament. They will not earn ranking points and their results will be used for any potential tie-break as specified under Article 7.2.2. The players selected will be varied from tournament to tournament and no replacement player will participate in more than one event.

[b]7. Prize Money & Grand Prix Points[/b]

7.1 The recommended prize money which will be offered by host city organisers for each tournament is 212,000 Euros and is split 162,000 Euros as direct prize money for the tournament and 50,000 Euros towards an accumulated prize fund for the players at the end of the series:

[b]Place---Euros---GP Points[/b]

[b]1st[/b]---30,000---[b]140 points + 40 bonus[/b]
[b]2nd[/b]---22,500---[b]130 points + 20[/b]
[b]3rd[/b]---20,000---[b]120 points + 10[/b]
[b]4th[/b]---15,000---[b]110 points[/b]
[b]5th[/b]---12,500---[b]100 points[/b]
[b]6th[/b]---11,000---[b]90 points[/b]
[b]7th[/b]---10,000---[b]80 points[/b]
[b]8th[/b]---8,500---[b]70 points[/b]
[b]9th[/b]---7,500---[b]60 points[/b]
[b]10th[/b]---6,000---[b]50 points[/b]
[b]11th[/b]---5,500---[b]40 points[/b]
[b]12th[/b]---5,000---[b]30 points[/b]
[b]13th[/b]---4,500---[b]20 points[/b]
[b]14th[/b]---4,000---[b]10 points[/b]


In the case of any tie in any tournament, the Grand Prix ranking points and prize money will be split equally. The overall winner of the Grand Prix will be the one who will score the most number of cumulative points. The cumulative score will be calculated [b][u]from the best three results[/u][/b] for each player. The winner of the Grand prix agrees to play a match against the winner of the World Cup as per FIDE regulations in Octo ber 2010. (See Appendix 1 for the World Championship Cycle)

[b]7.2 Tie Break for Overall Winner :[/b]

With the objective of determining a clear, single winner to play in the Challenger Match and in the case that two or more players have equal cumulative points at the top, the following criteria will be utilized to decide the overall G.P winner:

1. 4th result not already taken in the top three results;

2. No. of actual game result points scored in the four tournaments;

3. No. of 1st places [in case of a tie - points given accordingly];

4. No. of 2nd places [in case of a tie - points given accordingly];

5. No. of wins;

6. Drawing of lots

[b]7.3 Accumulated Prize Fund[/b]

10 prizes will be awarded from the minimum accumulated prize fund of 300,000 (Euros) as follows :

[b]Overall Place---Accumulated Prize (Euros)[/b]
[b]300,000 (total)[/b]
In the case of [b][i]any joint overall ranking[/i][/b], the respective accumulated prizes will also be split equally.
7.4 FIDE Contributions[/b]

The organiser will pay FIDE an additional sum of 20% (42,400 Euros), over and above, the above total host city prize fund (212,000 Euros).

[b]8. Financial details[/b]

8.1 FIDE or its appointed commercial agency has exclusive financial rights to the event and is free to exploit them commercially. This includes entering into advertisement agreements, either with the Organizers or Sponsors, requiring players to wear clothes with the branding of sponsors if this has been requested from the players before they sign their undertakings.

8.2 The television and Internet Web transmission rights, including video and film rights, shall belong to FIDE or its appointed commercial agency and the income divided on the basis of an agreement between FIDE or its appointed Commercial Agency and the Organizers.

8.3 FIDE or its appointed commercial agency shall have the exclusive rights for live games on Internet.

8.4 All costs related to the anti-doping test procedure, if FIDE decides it is required, including the medical facilities and doctors, will be covered by the local Organising Committee.

8.5 Organisers would need to guarantee the following minimum organizational costs which are:

(i) Travelling expenses for 14 players + 4 officials up to a maximum of 1,100 Euros per person for economy class tickets i.e. 19,800 Euros.

(ii) Full Board and lodging costs for 18 people, at 140 Euros per day, for 17 days / nights (i.e. 2,380 Euros per person) in hotels classified not less than 4 Star, i.e. 42,800 Euros.

(iii) Stipends for the 4 FIDE Principals (Chief Arbiter x 4,000 Euros, Deputy Arbiter x 3,000 Euros, Technical Adviser x 3,000 Euros, Press Officer x 3,000 Euros). Estimated cost of this is 12,500 Euros.

8.6 The organisers must also provide a budget for the provision of adequate facilities for :

(i) Server and design costs for the tournament website and games transmission. All games will be transmitted under a sub domain [url="http://hostcity.fide.com"]http://hostcity.fide.com[/url] where hostcity will change according to the host city where the tournament will be held;

(ii) Tournament hall and organisations rooms in the venue with appropriate lighting and standards expected for world class tournaments;

(iii) Press centre and facilities;

(iv) Transfer of players to / from venue and to / from Airport;

(v) Drug testing, if required;

The budget organizational cost for this is estimated at around 50,000 Euros and organisers will be expected to submit detailed budgets of proposed expenditure in their bid offers.

8.7 Any additional financial contributions, that any host city may wish to offer, in their bids, over and above, the prize fund, FIDE contribution and organisational costs, will be allocated between the accumulated prize fund, FIDE and Global Chess, respectively, in the ration 50% - 30%-20%.
9. Arrangements for the Playing Hall.[/b]

9.1. The WCCC shall ensure the playing hall and its environs meet the requirements of the FIDE Regulations for the Organization of Top Level Tournaments (FIDE Handbook C.01).

9.2 The playing venue shall be decorated with the FIDE flag, IOC flag, the flags of the host nation and the participating players' Federations and the sponsors` brandings.

9.3. After the WCCC agrees with the Organisers on the arrangements in respect of the tournament hall, facilities, accommodation and meals, transportation, telecommunication, ceremonies, no objections from the participants shall be acceptable.
10. Interviews, functions and mode of dressing.[/b]

10.1. Interviews with people other than players can be arranged directly.

10.2. The players are expected to cooperate reasonably with the media. General interviews with them can be arranged through the Press Officer.

10.3. The players are required to make themselves available for short interviews immediately after each game. In general, both players shall be available for the daily press conference.

10.4. Players are required to be present at all official functions approved by FIDE President or his representative during the Tournament including official receptions and the opening and closing ceremonies.

10.5. Players are specifically requested to note the requirements of FIDE Regulations C.01 (Article 8.1) in respect of their dignified appearance at all times during the event.

[b]11. Photography and Television.[/b]

11.1. Only photographers and camera crews expressly authorized by the Organising Committee may work in the playing venue.

[b]12. Principals[/b]

12.1 The Principals are:

* FIDE President and a FIDE Representative;
* Chief Arbiter and his Deputy.;
* Technical Adviser;
* Press Officer; and
* FIDE Medical Commission nominee.

12.2 The FIDE President and the FIDE representative will be hosted by the organisers for the duration of their stay.

[b]13. Tournament and Playing Conditions[/b]

13.1. Apart from the players and arbiters, no other person shall be allowed in the actual playing area during the games, except with the express permission of the Chief Arbiter.

13.2. During the playing session (lasting from 10 minutes before the start of the round until the departure of players), the following additional regulations shall be in force:

13.3. The players are not permitted to bring into the playing venue technical and other equipment extraneous to play, which may in any way disturb or upset the opponent. The Chief Arbiter shall decide what constitutes extraneous equipment liable to offend the opponent.

13.4 The players shall shake hands (or shall greet each other in a normal social manner in accordance with the conventional rules of their society) before the start and after the end of each game. If a player fails to meet these requirements and after being asked to do so by the Chief Arbiter, then he will lose the game immediately.

13.5 During the game, a player may talk only to an arbiter or communicate with a steward.

13.6 Organizers shall provide in sufficiency, free of charge, coffee, tea and soft drinks for the players and principals. It is advisable that the same offer shall apply for the press members.

13.7 The Organisers shall provide score sheets according to the specifications provided by the WCCC. At the end of each game the players` original score sheets shall be given to the Arbiter, who shall hand them over to FIDE in due course. Refusal of either player to sign the score sheets shall be penalized according to Article 13.4 of the Laws of Chess. After the players have signed the score sheets, the Arbiter shall countersign to confirm the results.

13.8 All players are required to attend a Players' meeting at a date and time to be decided by the Chief Arbiter. If he deems it necessary, the Chief Arbiter may call other Players` Meetings. The drawing of lots will take place during the first Players' meeting or in the Opening Ceremony.

13.9 Appointment of Principals

The FIDE President after consultation with the WCCC shall appoint the FIDE Representative, the Chief Arbiter, the Deputy Chief Arbiter, the Technical Adviser and the Press Officer.

13.10 During play either the Chief Arbiter or the Deputy Chief Arbiter must be present in the playing area.

13.11 The Chief Arbiter may, in consultation with the WCCC, the players and after the approval of the FIDE President, issue additional written regulations to lay down the exact playing hours and take care of other details not covered by these regulations.

13.12 Immediately after the end of the event, the Chief Arbiter shall draw up a report in the English language and send it without delay to the FIDE Secretariat. The report shall be supplemented by adding two copies of the bulletins of the event. The report shall contain the result of each individual game as well as the final standings of the event. In addition, the report shall contain a general description of the course of the event.

[b]14. Appeals Committee.[/b]

14.1 Three players and two reserves will be chosen during the Players' meeting to constitute the Appeals Committee.

14.2 No member of the Appeals Committee shall sit in judgement in a dispute involving a player or party from his Federation except where the dispute is between two players or two parties from his Federation.

14.3 All protests must be submitted in writing to the Appeals Committee not more than two hours after the relevant playing session, or the particular infringement complained against.

14.4 The Committee may decide on the following matters:

a) an appeal against a decision by an arbiter,

b ) a protest against a player`s behaviour,

c) a complaint alleging false interpretation of the regulations,

d) a request for the interpretation of specific regulations,

e) a protest or complaint against any participant, or

f) all other matters which the Committee considers important.

14.5 If possible, the Committee shall reach a decision not more than two hours after the submission of a protest. The appeals process shall include written representations and a written decision. The Committee shall endeavour to find binding solutions that are within the true spirit of the FIDE motto, Gens Una Sumus.

14.6 Each protest must be accompanied by a deposit fee of 1,000 (one thousand Euros) or a written statement that this fee can be deducted from the prize fund if the protest is rejected. If the protest is accepted, the fee shall be returned. If the protest is rejected, then in this case, FIDE reserves the right to withhold the deposit fee.

14.7 The decision of the Appeals Committee arising from any dispute in respect of these regulations shall be final.

[b]15. Opening Ceremony for each tournament[/b]

A short Opening Ceremony shall take place and all participants are required to take part.
16. Closing Ceremony of each tournament[/b]

The Closing Ceremony shall take place according to schedule. The Organizer shall provide three trophies to the first three placed players. The FIDE Anthem, the anthem of the winner's country and the anthem of the host country shall be played.

[b]17. Payment of Prize Money and Stipends[/b]

17.1. The prize fund and stipends shall be paid by direct bank transfer in US Dollars from FIDE's bankers UBS, Lausanne.

17.2. FIDE shall not be responsible if any national tax has to be deducted from the prize money or for any tax obligation of the participants in their respective countries.

17.3. At any time in the course of the application of these regulations, any grounds that are not covered or any unforeseen event shall be referred to the President of FIDE for final decision.

[b]18. Penalties[/b]

18.1 Should a player be in breach of conduct of any of these regulations he may be subject to a maximum penalty of 2,000 for any instance of breach.

18.2 Should a player be in repeated breach of any of these regulations, FIDE reserves the right to expel the player from the tournament and subject the player to a maximum fine of 5,000. In this case, the expelled player will not have any right to any prize money, irrespective of his standing at the time of expulsion.

18.3 Should a player withdraw from a tournament or the GP series without proper justification to the WCCC, then a penalty of 10,000 will be imposed on the player and the player may be excluded from the next World Championship cycle


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Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Azerbaijan has the luxury to have no less than three participants in this Grand Prix Series. Not only do Mamedyarov and Radjabov belong to the world's top ten players, but as the host city for the first event, Baku could also invite Vugar Gashimov as their nominated player.


Gashimov was born July 24, 1986 in Baku, Azerbaijan. His father, a retired army colonel who served at the Defense Ministry, is a candidate master and taught him how to play when Vugar was six years old.

Vugar Gashimov is three times Azerbaijan champion (1995, 1996 and 1998). In 1998 he gained the IM title and four years later he became a GM. He is four times silver medalist at the European Youth Championship (1996, 1998, 1999 and 2000). In 1999, he was the winner of the under-16 group of the Kasparov's Cup.

In an interview Gashimov has said that in those years, his rivalry with especially Radjabov and Guseinov has helped his development a lot. He also said that health problems, on the other hand, might have hampered his progress to some extent.

In 2005, he won the Acropolis open and in August 2006, Gashimov won the Abu Dhabi International Chess Festival, ahead of 19 GMs. At the 50th Reggio Emilia tournament in December 2007, he finished shared second behind Almasi, together with Ni Hua and Harikrishna.

Recently, Gashimov showed one of his best results ever: he won the big Cappelle la Grande open tournament in February 2008. With a score of 7/9 he came joint first with Arutinian, Fedorchuk, Kryvoruchko, Chernyshov, Deviatkin, Kotrionias and l'Ami, but Gashimov won the tournament on tiebreak.

Gashimov likes to study Alekhine's games, "because of his attacking energetic style". Of the modern elite, he admires Anand. Vugar Gashimov consider himself a universal player: equally good in positional and tactical play. He's also known as a terrific blitz player, likes to watch Jackie Chan films and loves to play football, but also billiards and table tennis.

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Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar[/b]
Sunday, 13 April 2008

Nicknamed "Shakh", Azerbaijan's highest rated player Mamedyarov must be especially determined to score well at this first Grand Prix Series and regain some confidence, after a period of somewhat disappointing results. And what would be a better place to do it than in his own country? Mamedyarov is certainly capable of a good result, keeping in mind that his two World Under-20 titles (in 2003 and 2005) are still fresh in our memory.


Shakhriyar Mamedyarov was born April 12, 1985 in Sumgayit, Azerbaijan. His two world under-20 titles gained him an invitation to the Essent Tournament 2006, and by winning this one and also the 2007 edition, he achieved world fame.

But before that, Mamedyarov had already ended joint first at the Aeroflot Open in Moscow, in February 2006, with a score of 6.5/9. In October 2006, he won his first Essent Chess Tournament on tiebreak with 4.5 out of 6, finishing shared first with Judit Polgar, ahead of Sokolov and Topalov. A year later he ended clear first, before Van Wely, Ponomariov and Andriasian.

At the Reykjavik Open in March 2006, Mamedyarov finished shared first place with Sargissian (who won on tiebreak), Nataf, Adly and Harikrishna. At the Foros Aerosvit tournament in the same year, he shared 4th place with Shirov and Grischuk and a few months later, at the Tal Memorial in Moscow, he shared fifth with Gelfand and Svidler.

Since his shared second place at the Mtel Masters in May 2007, Mamedyarov seems to have lost his form a bit. At the Tal Memorial in Moscow, in November 2007, he shared 7th place with Ivanchuk and Kamsky, and at the World Cup in Khanty-Mansiysk, Mamedyarov was knocked out by Ivan Cheparinov in the third round. At the Corus Chess Tournament in 2008, Mamedyarov scored 6/13, finishing shared 9th with Polgar and Topalov.

"Shakh" is a cheerful 23-year-old who has two sisters who are strong chess players as well. Their brother likes to experiment in the openings. For instance, recently he played 1.e4 c5 2.b3 a few times, and has also tried the Alekhine Defence and the Budapest Gambit.

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Radjabov, Teimour[/b]
Sunday, 13 April 2008

As a Baku citizen, for Teimour Radjabov it must be a joy to be able to play such a strong and important tournament "just around the corner." It remains to be seen whether it will help him to start with a good score in this first FIDE Grand Prix Series, but his home crowd will definitely boost his ambition.


Radjabov was born in Baku – just like former World Champion Garry Kasparov – on March 12, 1987. At the 2003 Linares chess tournament, Radjabov, at 15, famously defeated Kasparov with the black pieces. But he had acquired world fame before, earning the title of International Grandmaster in March 2001 at the age of 14, making him the second-youngest Grandmaster in history at the time.

Radjabov reached the semi-finals (earning a bronze medal) at the FIDE World Chess Championship 2004. At the Morelia/Linares tournament in 2006, Radjabov finished second. Later that year, Radjabov challenged the winner of the Topalov-Kramnik World Championship match, as was the right of every 2700 rated player according to FIDE rules, but a match with Kramnik was never played.

One of his biggest successes to date is Radjabov's victory (joint with Aronian and Topalov) at the Corus Chess Tournament in Wijk aan Zee in 2007. A month later he made the news when he had to withdraw from the Morelia/Linares tournament after his laptop was stolen just after he had arrrived in Mexico.

At this year's Corus tournament, Radjabov had another excellent performance, finishing shared 3rd together with World Champion Vishy Anand. Before that Radjabov had won the second World Rapid Cup in Odessa, Ukraine, early January.

21-year-old Radjabov has impressed his international fans more than once by answering journalists in almost fluent English, and with an amazing speed. To sketch Radjabov's playing style it's enough to tell that he's almost single-handedly responsible for the current rivial of the King's Indian Defence.

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[b]Remembering Heydar Aliyev...[/b]
Thursday, 17 April 2008

The first FIDE Grand Prix tournament will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan and is dedicated to the 85th birthday of former Azerbaijan President Heydar Aliyev, the father of the current President, Ilham Aliyev.


Heydar Aliyev was the president of Azerbaijan for the New Azerbaijan Party from June 1993 to October 2003, when his son Ilham Aliyev succeeded him. From 1969 till 1982, Aliyev was also the leader of Soviet Azerbaijan. He passed away on October 31, 2003.

Baku 2008, the Grand Prix tournament in April-May 2008, is dedicated to Aliyev's 85th birthday: May 10, 1923.

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Сегодня видел Свидлера, Грищука и Инаркиева, а из наших Вугара и Тиму - ребята уже остаются в Хаяте.

Гран-При баннеры висят по городу.

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Сегодня также познакомился с Geoffrey Borg (CEO – Global Chess BV & FIDE Commercial Director) и виделись с Али Нихат Язычы (вице-президент ФИДЕ и президент ТШФ) - у всех на лице улыбка :)

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[quote name='Yusif-Yusif' post='2755630' date='Apr 16 2008, 07:44 ']BOA, наши вебсайт турнира сделали? онлайн будет?[/quote]
Для информации: сайты Гран-При делает [b]Global Chess BV[/b]

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[quote name='Jinjiro' post='2775187' date='Apr 20 2008, 15:48 ']Удачи нашим!

ВОА результаты сюда будете вписывать?

я просто на онлайне сидеть не смогу...[/quote]
Да, конечно. Постараюсь еще интересные моменты здесь передать.

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Был только, что на открытии мероприятия и замечу, что разочаровался. Во первых, флаги двух стран (Болгарии и Чехии) были повешены неправильно. Очень и очень слабый уровень переводчика, надо было видеть лицо Адамса. :( Да и еще казус с жеребьевкой. Короче, будем считать, что первый бли - комом. Но если так пойдет, то не только Баку - 2016, но и Баку - 3016 нам не видать

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[quote name='Pallidum' post='2776319' date='Apr 20 2008, 23:01 ']Sсhedule по турам у кого-нибудь есть?[/quote]
у БОА :)

BAKU AZERBAIJAN - 20th Apr 2008 - 6th May 08[/b]
1st day: Arrivals & Open. Ceremony 20.04.2008
2nd day: Round 1---21.04.2008---15:00
3rd day: Round 2---22.04.2008---15:00
4th day: Round 3---23.04.2008---15:00
5th day: Round 4---24.04.2008---15:00
6th day: Round 5---25.04.2008---15:00
7th day: Free day---26.04.2008
8th day: Round 6---27.04.2008---15:00
9th day: Round 7---28.04.2008---15:00
10th day: Round 8---29.04.2008---15:00
11th day: Round 9---30.04.2008---15:00
12th day: Free day---01.05.2008
13th day: Round 10---02.05.2008---15:00
14th day: Round 11---03.05.2008---15:00
15th day: Round 12---04.05.2008---15:00
16th day: Round 13 & Clos. Ceremony---05.05.2008---14:00
17th day: Departure---06.05.2008

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1. Inarkiev Ernesto RUS 2684
2. Mamedyarov Shakhriyar AZE 2752
3. Carlsen Magnus NOR 2765
4. Gashimov Vugar AZE 2679
5. Radjabov Teimour AZE 2751
6. Cheparinov Ivan BUL 2695
7. Karjakin Sergey UKR 2732
8. Navara David CZE 2672
9. Grischuk Alexander RUS 2716
10. Adams Michael ENG 2729
11. Bacrot Etienne FRA 2705
12. Wang Yue CHN 2689
13. Svidler Peter RUS 2746
14. Kamsky Gata USA 2726

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  • Our picks

    • ОФИЦИАЛЬНОЕ ЗАЯВЛЕНИЕ в связи с затоплением кварталов в Хырдалане - ОБНОВЛЕНО + ВИДЕО
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      Об этом в ответ на запрос Oxu.Az сообщил пресс-секретарь ОАО "Азерсу" Анар Джебраиллы.
      Он отметил, что на указанной территории имеется канализационная инфраструктура. Именно этот участок - обочина дороги Сумгайыт - Баку является самой низкой точкой Хырдалана.
      "Поскольку данная территория представляет собой впадину, дождевые воды, формирующиеся в Хокмели, Атъялы, а также самом Хырдалане, устремляются сюда. Поэтому во время интенсивных дождей канализационные линии не выдерживают нагрузки, что в итоге приводит к наводнению.
      Хочу отметить, что в свое время вся эта зона сплошь состояла из луж, озер и тростниковых зарослей. Потом территорию засыпали землей, построили дома.
      Если бы здесь не возвели здания, такой проблемы не возникло бы. Вода бы собиралась, часть ее впитывалась в почву, другая - испарялась, а третья - утекала.
      Одна из самых больших проблем на сегодняшний день - именно эта. Строительные дельцы осушают озера и лужи, строят на их месте дома, а после возникают такие сложности. Потом граждане жалуются, что подвалы домов и улицы затоплены", - заявил А.Джебраиллы.
      В завершение он отметил, что в настоящее время, когда дождь прекратился, большая часть проблем на упомянутой территории уже решена. Через пару часов воды там не останется.
      Дождливая погода, наблюдаемая в Абшеронском районе, привела к последствиям в городе Хырдалан.
      Соответствующая информация поступила на горячую линию Baku.ws.
      На кадрах, сделанных одним из местных жителей, видно, что в Хырдалане затоплены улица Мехди Гусейнзаде и 26-й квартал.
      Данная ситуация выявила нахождение канализационной системы на указанной территории в аварийном состоянии.
      • 16 replies
    • Завершился первый полуфинал "Евровидения-2024": наши представители не прошли в финал - ОБНОВЛЕНО + ВИДЕО
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      Как передает Oxu.Az, по результатам голосования представители Азербайджана Fahree и Илькин Довлатов не прошли в финал конкурса.
      Отметим, что второй полуфинал пройдет 9 мая, а финал - 11 мая.
      7 мая, 23:27
      В шведском городе Мальме начался первый полуфинал 68-го по счету песенного конкурса "Евровидение".
      Как сообщает Oxu.Az, в первый день мероприятия выступят 15 стран, 10 из которых пройдут в финал.
      Следует отметить, что Fahree и Илькин Довлатов представят нашу страну на конкурсе с песней Özünlə apar. Они выступят под 12-м номером.  https://ru.oxu.az/politics/868797
      • 47 replies
    • В Баку снесут рынок Кешля
      Как сообщает Oxu.Az, соответствующая информация распространилась в социальных сетях.
      Причиной стало начало строительства новой автомобильной дороги от улицы Гасана Алиева параллельно проспекту Зии Буниятова до станции метро "Кероглу".
      Было отмечено, что снос будет осуществлен, поскольку часть дороги попадет на территорию рынка.
      В связи с этим мы направили запрос в Государственное агентство автомобильных дорог Азербайджана (ГААДА).
        Пресс-секретарь (ГААДА) Анар Наджафли сообщил Oхu.Az, что проводится разъяснительная работа.

      "В настоящее время подготавливаются размеры жилых и нежилых объектов, а также земельных участков, входящих в зону строительства. Проводится предварительная оценка строений, подпадающих под снос при проведении строительных работ. После того как эти работы будут завершены, можно будет что-то сказать по этому поводу", - сказал он.https://ru.oxu.az/society/868677
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      Об этом говорится в сообщении пресс-службы Генпрокуратуры.
      Отмечается, что с целью установления обстоятельств происшествия, а также причин смерти и отравления пострадавших назначены соответствующие экспертизы, а также выполнены другие необходимые процессуальные действия.
      В одном из отелей в Сабаильском районе столицы зафиксировано массовое отравление.
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      К сожалению, спасти двоих из них не удалось. Изначально предполагалось, что причиной стало пищевое отравление, однако медики не исключают и другие варианты.
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    • Какое наказание предусмотрено за умышленное повреждение чужого автомобиля?
      В Баку одному из припаркованных во дворе автомобилей был нанесен ущерб острым предметом. Владелец машины поделился в соцсети соответствующими видеокадрами.
      Как сообщает хezerxeber.az, в другом дворе с верхнего этажа здания на автомобиль был сброшен воздушный шар, наполненный водой. В результате владелец транспортного средства понес серьезный материальный ущерб.
      В последнее время в соцсетях часто встречаются видеоролики в связи с умышленным или непреднамеренным повреждением автомобилей или другого имущества граждан. Юристы отмечают, что за намеренное совершение подобного деяния правонарушитель может быть привлечен к ответственности или лишен свободы.
      Кроме того, если действие влечет за собой уголовную ответственность, на виновных может быть наложен штраф, в два-три раза превышающий размер причиненного ущерба. По словам юриста Шамиля Пашаева, подобные повреждения автомобилей не покрываются обязательным страхованием.
      В Министерстве внутренних дел заявили, что в случае, если потерпевший сообщит об умышленном уничтожении или повреждении его имущества, в местном органе полиции немедленно начинается расследование. Если будет доказано, что ущерб был причинен умышленно, будут приняты меры, предусмотренные законом.
      Подробнее - в сюжете:
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    • В Хачмазе 17-летняя девушка обручилась ​​с 37-летним мужчиной - ЗАЯВЛЕНИЕ МВД. ЗАЯВЛЕНИЕ МАТЕРИ ЖЕНИХА
      В социальных сетях распространилась информация о том, что в селе Гусарчай Хачмазского района 17-летнюю девушку выдали замуж за 37-летнего мужчину.
      Чтобы уточнить эти сведения, Bizim.Media связался с и.о. директора гусарчайской средней школы имени Арифа Мамедова Рауфом Мамедовым. Последний сообщил, что девушка (2007 г.р.) после шестого класса перестала ходить в школу. По его словам, свадьбы еще не было, состоялась лишь помолвка.
      Комментируя данный вопрос, старший инспектор губинской региональной группы пресс-службы МВД старший лейтенант полиции Хаял Талыбов отметил, что в соцсетях распространилась информация о принудительном замужестве несовершеннолетней жительницы Хачмазского района. В ходе проверки, проведенной сотрудниками районного отдела полиции, было установлено, что М.С. (2007 г.р.) на добровольной основе была помолвлена с жителем хачмазского села Карагуртлу Т.Ф. (1987 г.р.). По его словам, вступления в брак не было.
      Было подчеркнуто, что по данному факту в Хачмазском РОП проводятся необходимые мероприятия.
      Они полюбили друг друга, и все произошло с их согласия. Мы попросили ее руки и получили положительный ответ.
      Об этом заявила Рейхан Тагиева, 37-летний сын которой, согласно утверждениям, женился на 17-летней девушке.
      Женщина также опровергла информацию о бракосочетании пары.
      "Я сказала, что сыграем свадьбу, когда девушка станет совершеннолетней. В социальных сетях говорят неправду, что ей 15 лет и она вышла замуж по расчету. Я не богатая, и мой сын с трудом зарабатывает на жизнь. У девушки есть родственники, которым это не нравится, поэтому они выдумали такой сценарий", - добавила Р.Тагиева.
      Подробнее - в сюжете Baku TV:
      https://ru.oxu.az/society/868051  https://ru.oxu.az/society/868364
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    • Баку выбран Спортивной столицей мира
      Федерация европейских спортивных столиц и городов выбрала Баку «Спортивной столицей мира» на 2026 год.
      Как сообщили в пресс-службе Министерства молодежи и спорта, об этом говорится в официальном письме, направленном сегодня международной организацией в нашу страну.
      Отметим, что в конце следующего года в Европейском парламенте в Брюсселе планируется проведение официальной церемонии презентации Баку «Спортивной столицы мира».
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    • Post in Экотур
      Дата 12 мая, воскресенье

      06.40 Сбор у автобуса
      - Хайкинг через красивые зеленые поля около 4-х часов. На пути будет шанс увидеть знаменитый цветок Хары бюльбюль, а также дикий ирис, лук, гуланчар и другие полезные для здоровья растения. На вершине неповторимая панорама на горы, озеро и море, вокруг все цветет и пахнет весной. Пешая прогулка среди разноцветных гор в поисках карбонатных отложений мезозойской эры
      - Отдых и пикник на вершине
      -Спуск около 2-х часов
      - Чайная пауза с домашним пирогом
      18.00 Дорога в Баку   Протяженность: 12 km
      Min max высоты: 219m - 935m
      Степень тяжести: средняя   ТРАНСПОРТ:
      Мерседес Спринтер (20 мест)   МЕСТО И ВРЕМЯ ВСТРЕЧИ:
      В 6.40 около кафе Макдональдс, метро Нариман Нариманово   ЦЕНА: 35 AZN (входит: транспорт, чай+домашний пирог)    ХОТИТЕ ПОУЧАСТВОВАТЬ?
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