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AZEICG LLC has been a pioneer and one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in Azerbaijan and Russia since 2007, working in the field of development and production of equipment for reusable white naphthalan in naphthalan health centers and new medicines, medical cosmetics and dressings as the main therapeutic component which is white naphthalan products, tarless naphthalan, naphthalan oil and naphthalan hydrocarbons.
During the company's activity, our specialists working in our company in the field of chemistry, biology, biochemistry, pharmacology, microbiology, and doctors, traumatologists, dermatologists, proctologists, urologists, gynecologists, neuropathologists, rheumatologists, surgeons, dermatologists and cosmetologists have developed and patented new domestic medicines, medical cosmetic line and dressings, medical plasters.
The drug "Prostat-Naft" rectal suppositories for the treatment and prevention of prostate adenoma.
The drug "Ginok-Naft" vaginal suppositories for the treatment of infertility. Eurasian Patent No. 004716.
The drug "Psori-Naft" ointment for the treatment and prevention of psoriasis.
The drug "Dermo-Naft" ointment for the treatment of dermatoses of various etiologies. Eurasian Patent No. 006948.
The drug "Hemor-Naft" ointment for the treatment and prevention of external hemorrhoids.
The drug "Hemor-Naft" rectal suppositories for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids.
Unique developments were obtained therapeutic Naftalan Patches and cosmetic line.
Plasma "Revmo-Naft" for the treatment and prevention of rheumatoid diseases
Plaster "Neuro-Naft" for the treatment and prevention of neurological diseases
Trauma-Naft patch for the treatment and prevention of injuries
Eurasian Patent No. 004716.
We conducted certification and clinical trials of tarred white naphthalan where TU, Passport, and DS were obtained.
We are currently designing clinical trials and registration of the above suppositories and ointments. Work is underway on the production of naphthalan patches with the leading enterprises of Veropharm. On the basis of tarred naphthalan, together with the Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory, the production of the Woman Magic line of cosmetics, a protective and anti-aging hand cream based on tarred naphthalan, was launched. Developments in the field of medical cosmetics called Star Line and Organic + Naphthen consisting of each line of 16 items. We have developed and obtained a trademark for a new technology and methodology for treating naphthalan white baths where in the first world white naphthalan is used with tarred, which accelerates the bioavailability of naphthalan and is aesthetic and comfortable when compared with native naphthalan baths when undergoing treatment in a clinic in Moscow called Park Clinic .
In Russia, our company is a pioneer in the technology of processing Naftalan oil by vacuum distillation and hydrocracking. After purification from harmful impurities such as resins, dirt, water, asphaltenes and aromatic hydrocarbons, the healing properties increase and side effects and toxic effects decrease.
Today we are cooperating in the supply of resined naphthalan with leading pharmaceutical companies like Veropharm, Mosfarm, Retinoids, Siberian Health, Natural Cosmetics Zeleny Altai, etc.
Hasanov Azizali Mastali oglu is the founder, investor and head of the company AZEICG LLC in Azerbaijan since 2002 and in Russia since 2007.


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Entries in this blog

Нафталановая маска . с вулканической глиной.

Нафталановая маска . с вулканической глиной. МАСКА ДЛЯ ЛИЦА №1Маска для лица от черных точек акнеС 0.5% цинком и вулканической глиной.ОписаниеМаска для лица очищающая бренда Naftaone (цинк, вулканическая глина лимонная соль и розовое масло с корицей для лица) это глубокое очищение лица, увлажнение и детокс для кожи. Наша маска для лица с умной формулой обеспечивает уход за лицом, сужение пор и матирование. Очищающая маска для лица глиняная избавляет от прыщей, от черных точек на лице, от ак


Азизали in нафталан


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Сезонная скидка на производимую продукцию в России.

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Твердый нафталановый шампунь

Твердый нафталановый шампунь.   Твердый нафталановый Шампунь-Мыло C 0.5 % СЕРОЙ Описание Наслаждайтесь чистотой и свежестью ваших волос с твердым шампунем "Нафталан". Натуральный твердый шампунь насыщен нафталановым маслом лимонной эссенцией, которая оставит ваши волосы блестящими и мягкими, а также придаст им увлажнение и эластичность. Твердый шампунь Нафталан подходит для любых типов волос и обеспечивает деликатное очищение без перасушивания убирая перхоть. Твердый шампунь “


Азизали in нафталан

Пилинг-Хлопковое Мыло.

ХЛОПКОВОЕ МЫЛО – ПИЛИНГ Хлопковое мыло пилинг - это отшелушивающее мыло для лица и тела с лимонной солью и хлопковым маслом бережно удаляет все воспаление, зуд, загрязнения, делает кожу мягкой и гладкой, Нежное мыло мягко очищает кожу, оказывает щадящее воздействие, обеспечивает легкий эффект пилинга, прекрасно тонизирует и освежает. Мыло создано на основе природных ингредиентов с вулканической глиной и растительными маслами, которые ухаживают за кожей: насыщают ее влагой и полезными вещест
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